How The Wind Mitigation Form Impacts The My Safe Florida Home Project

The effects of wind damage can be devastating. Floridians know the impact of wind damage caused by hurricanes, tropical storms, or severe thunderstorms. There can be damage to your property and a possible increase in insurance costs. That’s why you need to take advantage of the My Safe Florida Home (MSFH) Program! It can save you money on your insurance policy and protect your home and family. One way it helps is with Wind Mitigation Forms

What is The Wind Mitigation Form?

The Wind Mitigation Form is an inspection document listing seven major areas of concern and is what Mitigation Inspectors use to certify the building. All insurance carriers universally accept it. The report has been revised multiple times, with the latest version released on January 1, 2012, and all Insurance company inspectors use this new form.

The Florida legislature provided a mitigation form for the insurance companies to use. The mitigation form is a provision that helps homeowners get discounts on their insurance premiums. The primary purpose of this form is to prove to the insurance company that your building is not at high risk by looking at seven key areas. Within these seven areas, if your building complies with a newer building code, the insurance company provides discounts on that area because of your ability to mitigate risk in the event of a storm.

7 Areas of Wind Mitigation will be Inspected

One of the most popular “areas” is roof construction, meaning its geometry, whether a hip or a gable. You get a better discount if it’s a hip roof because it is naturally more wind resistant. 

Building codes will also be inspected. The building must conform to the building code that was in place when the building was initially constructed. The building must have been built after March 1, 2002 for the most generous deductions. On that date, Florida adopted a new building code with more stringent wind-resistant requirements. Any building constructed before that date may still be eligible for some deductions, but not as many as those built after.

Does your building have a secondary water resistance barrier? In other words, does it have peel-and-stick underlayment sticking directly to the substrate decking? This layer is helpful in case the roofing material itself blows off. Then the peel and stick underlayment is left, sealing the plywood so no water is able to come in- even though the roof has been compromised. If it does, you will be granted an additional discount.

Inspectors also look at how the building is used. Is it a critical facility like a firehouse, police station, or hospital? If so, the building must be designed to withstand the force of the wind and stand up against extreme conditions.

Wind mitigation is not just about reducing wind loads on buildings but also about making them safer for occupants during an emergency. The goal is to provide protection.

What is My Safe Florida Home?

The My Safe Florida Home program aims to help homeowners strengthen their homes against hurricanes and high winds. This program is designed to help homeowners with home-strengthening projects. If a roof is not hurricane-rated or windows and doors aren’t protected, you might qualify for My Safe Florida Home. The best way to know is by having a wind mitigation inspector inspect your home. This program aims to strengthen your home against hurricanes and high winds, but it’s also designed to help you save on homeowner’s insurance. The best part is that the wind mitigation inspection is free!

How Much Can I Save on Insurance

Most people are surprised to learn that mitigation can save up to 50% of their annual insurance premiums. The mitigation savings are deducted from the wind portion of your insurance policy, which makes up more than half of your yearly premium costs. Most customers can cut their annual insurance bill in half by making a few improvements to help “harden” their building. We suggest going online to Florida’s insurance saving calculator for what these savings would look like on your building.

Where to Start

Your first step will be to have a wind mitigation inspector inspect your home. This inspection is free of charge and will ensure that your home meets all the requirements to receive the grant. You can go here and apply for the inspection.

Contact Kelly Roofing 

Once you are approved for the My Safe Home program, your next step will be to contact Kelly Roofing! With over 50 years of experience, we know Florida and what wind mitigations will provide you with the best protection! We have been providing roofing services to homeowners in these areas for decades and understand how to protect them from wind and water damage.