Would Your Roof Fail an Insurance Inspection?

Do you know if your roof will pass an insurance inspection? It’s a good idea to know ahead of time what an insurance company looks for when inspecting your home — roof damage could negate your existing homeowner’s insurance, or cost you more to renew. This is because insurance companies–and rightly so–view the roof as your home’s most integral component. If your roof fails an inspection, the insurance provider may require you to replace the roof before you can renew your coverage.

Forewarned is forearmed; knowing what an insurance inspection targets, particularly concerning your roof, will help keep you ahead of the game. The first thing you should know about your roof is its age–how old is your roof? If it’s been more than ten years, your roof may reveal some tell-tale signs it will have trouble passing a roof inspection, especially on an older home. Signs to watch out for would be as follows:

  • Faded, damaged, or missing shingles
  • Loose or damaged flashing
  • Low spots (an indication of water damage and truss failure)
  • Moss or fungus
  • Damaged or detached gutters and rain spouts
  • Damaged soffit
  • Condensation or signs of water in the attic
  • Obvious leaks
  • Termite damage

Insurance Inspection

These are, in fact, only a handful of problems an insurance inspection may reveal. But, take heart, as most insurance companies are willing to work with their clients, and many offer discounts for roof upgrades. Such upgrade discounts may even include wind mitigation (a term used to describe a roof’s readiness for high winds, storms, and hurricanes), or the use of recycled materials.

An insurance inspection is not necessarily a bad thing–it can be beneficial and save you thousands in the long run. Being aware of, and fixing, your home’s weak spots will keep your home up to date with insurance rates and keep you and your family safe and dry. If the roof is good, you’re good.

A Long-Lasting Roof

If you’re a homeowner in the Naples, FL region looking to upgrade your roof and pass that inspection with flying colors, you may want to hire an expert roofer. We are Kelly Roofing–a family-owned business, and a Top 100 contractor. We provide free inspections and specialize in roof repair, restoration, and replacement for shingle, metal, tile and flat roofs, as well as recycled material roofs. We help keep you green, safe, and dry.