There are many myths about roof insulation that refuse to die. One of the most persistent is the idea that all types of insulation are equivalent – whichever is installed will do the job just fine. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Different types of insulation perform very differently, with some types offering superior performance over others.
With this in mind, let’s crack open a few myths!
MYTH 1: Roof insulation becomes less effective over time.
FACT: The effectiveness is measured by its R-value. Some forms of insulation, such as spray foam, offers inconsistent performance. While cellulose insulation loses approximately 15-25 percent of its R-value after installation, as it settles into place, others, especially AttiCat insulation does not settle or degrade, and retains the same thickness and R-value as time goes by.
MYTH 2: Roof insulation is bad for the environment.
FACT: Providing adequate roof insulation is an aid to the environment, reducing the amount of energy used in heating or cooling your Naples home. Some types of insulation (most notably spray foam) are made of materials derived from crude oil. Instead, choose a Fiberglas™-based form of insulation such as AttiCat, which contains 100 percent renewable materials. Roughly 40 percent of AttiCat insulation is recycled glass, with the rest being composed of harmless sand.

MYTH 3: Roof insulation poses a fire risk.
FACT: Again, this potential disadvantage of insulating your roof depends entirely on which type of insulation you use. Avoid installing spray foam insulation in your home – this dangerous form of insulation has been known to spontaneously combust when it heats up! Other insulation types are non-flammable and do not cause excessive risk of house fires.
MYTH 4: Insulation can damage your roof
FACT: Unfortunately, certain types of insulation can cause structural defects. Spray foam insulation, which sticks like glue to the structures found in your roof, can lead to structural damage. Installing this type of insulation can void your roof warranty, so proceed with caution! A Fiberglas spray insulation lies loose in your roof cavity, without affecting the structural stability of the roof.
After busting these myths, the decision over which type of insulation to install is clear. At Kelly Roofing, we prefer using Owens Corning’s AttiCat roof insulation. It is composed of 100% renewable materials and will pass the test of time. In over forty years of our experience, we have found it to be the safest, greenest and best-performing option for your Naples home.
Contact Kelly Roofing for more details on insulation types and how your home can benefit from an insulation inspection.
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