How To Tell The Difference Between Leak-Rotted Wood and Termite Damage?

Termite damage and wood rot are two common culprits of wood destruction. They can be absolutely detrimental when it comes to the structural integrity of your home, especially when they affect the roof trusses. Since both leak-rotted wood and termite damage have similar-looking effects, it can be quite difficult to tell the difference between the […]

New Florida Roofing Laws Protect You And Your Home

home and new Florida roofing law protections

The past few years have been hard on Florida homeowners. Several severe hurricanes have hit land in Florida, causing remarkable destruction, including substantial damage to roofs. As a result of the destruction and resulting claims, homeowners’ insurance companies have been trying to back out of the state. Florida legislators have responded by passing new laws. […]

Common Questions About High Winds, Vent Failures And Attic Water Damage!

Wind gusts blowing palm trees

Hurricanes Ian and Nicole have caused significant damage to Florida homes. Sadly, many residents have returned home to devastation. But even those whose homes and roofs fared well are discovering a common problem: water in the attic. Finding water in your attic, but no visible roof damage, can be perplexing. However, there is a simple […]